Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Blog Challenge Reply

Blog Challenge:

I was nominate by Lisa Stroschine on her Tech Lab blog. I will answer the eleven random facts about me, Lisa's questions, and then pose eleven questions for any educator.

11 Random Facts About Me:

  1. I've lived in 6 states.
  2. My favorite color is blue. It used to be purple but after watching PowerPuff Girls when I was little it changed to blue since I liked Bubbles.
  3. I've traveled to Aruba multiple times via my grandparents.
  4. My favorite thing to cook for my husband is Chicken Paprikas. It's a Hungarian dish that my nana brought my sister's and I up on. 
  5. I hate dishes but I'm OCD about anyone else cleaning them.
  6. I'm a twin.
  7. I was homeschooled in 6th grade and up.
  8. My family evacuated 2 days early from New Orleans before Hurricane Katrina hit in 2005.
  9. Computer Science is one of my current courses that I didn't expect to get so much out of.
  10. I have a little sister and she's a second (maybe third) degree black belt in Taekwondo.
  11. My favorite season is fall.

Lisa's Questions:

1. What’s one book you’ve read that you think everyone should read? (it can be from any age level).
The Freedom Writers.

2. What has been your best educational experience?
Being an active participant in my previous college's Phi Theta Kappa chapter.

3. What was your worst educational experience?
Switching to a completely new school after Hurricane Katrina.

4. If you were not pursuing a degree in education, what career field would you be heading toward?
Too hard to choose. I'd say either some sort of Computer Science/Mathematics nerd, an Optometrist, or a theatre person.

5. What is your favorite thing to do with a free hour? (assuming you had no homework or pending projects)
Read, watch a Tv episode with my Husband, or call someone.

6. Who was your favorite teacher?
Judy Major. She was a math "witch" at my Community College for Basic Algebra. She had so many tricks up her sleeve and was never afraid to pull out a new idea to help students understand things better.

7. What’s your favorite quote?
"The way you overcome shyness is to become so wrapped up in something that you forget to be afraid. " -- Lady Bird Johnson

8. What’s something you’ve heard about (or read about) that you’d like to know more about?
What "whole language" is and why phonics is not being taught as much in schools.

9. What’s one thing you’d like to change about our current educational system(s)?
Pay and collaboration time for teachers. If they were given more of these resources they could be more successful at their jobs and become active learners.

10. What is your stress reliever?
Taking deep breaths.

11. Did you participate in any Coe Homecoming activities? If so, what was your favorite part? (if not, what’s one interesting thing you did this past weekend?)
I did not. I chilled at home and worked on homework.

My questions to any Educator:

  1. What is your favorite thing about being an educator?
  2. What is your morning and/or afternoon routine when you get to school?
  3. What is the best book that relates to being an educator?
  4. Who or what was your inspiration for becoming an educator?
  5. Do you have a favorite tech tool that you use to stay organized? If so, what is it? If not, what do you do?
  6. What student-age do you enjoy working with the most and why?
  7. What's a situation you've been in as an educator that you think other educators can learn from?
  8. What story in your educational experience always makes you laugh when you think or talk about it?
  9. What is your favorite thing to teach and why?
  10. What is at least one thing you wish you knew before you became an educator?
  11. What is your advice to future educators?

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