Wednesday, March 25, 2015


My group visited the website Scratch. There were various different things you could do on this site from creating games to slideshows to other various visual activities. I have to be honest...I was a little lost. I wouldn't consider myself a technologically savvy person, so I was just clicking on various things throughout the class period. I did make a video of a cat, but I had to follow a tutorial to complete this. I think this would be a great tool to use in the classroom because it teaches about computer programming. In the classroom I am observing in now, they use a different website to teach kids about computer programming. It's a great program because kids are assigned a task and they have to continue to work at the specific task until they get it right. This is great because not only does it show the students what really is going behind the scenes with this technology, but also gives them opportunities to fail and to work towards success. I think by using Scratch, you could create an interactive visual for your students when teaching a lesson. Sarah did a presentation on plants and it had pictures and various other features. For me, I would have to play around a lot more with this site and visit more tutorials, but I think once I got comfortable with it I could use it in my classroom!

Here is a screenshot of the tutorial I was playing around with!

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