Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Flipped Classrooms

Flipped classrooms are a great way to get students to learn both in and out of the classroom. They can be presented different ways. Teachers can make their own videos/PowerPoint or can use a pre-existing form of information. This could be used to introduce students to a subject that will be talked about the next day, or it could be used for review, or something little that can help the students with their understanding.

Here is my idea for a flipped lesson: US history, civil rights movement unit

In class we will be discussing the major events of the civil rights movement. For homework, I would have the students watch a short clip on the court case Plessy vs. Ferguson and answer a few short questions. When they get into class the next day, we will discuss the Brown vs. Board court case and then compare and contrast the two cases.


The students would watch a teacher-made video discussing the statistics involved with the civil rights movement and then in class asked to discuss and explain why the numbers were so important during the civil rights movement.

There are many things that can be done with a flipped classroom. I think I would use video/media that was made by me or by others. But I would be consistent and maybe ask the students what they prefer. From Megan's presentation, I learned that when doing a flipped classroom you have to be organized and that they students may rely more on each other than on the teacher. But that is ok since they are working cooperatively and taking charge of their own education.

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