Thursday, March 5, 2015

The Think School

"If I had no rules, no preconceived notions and no pressing standards to uphold," I would create a school that had one central purpose: to create thinkers. My school, grades K-12, would create deep thinkers who are able to think critically and creatively about the world around them. These essential skills are necessary for so many areas in life especially in the 21st Century as motivators and innovators take the stage. Also, if one can think critically, then one can be an informed, democratic voter, or be a valuable worker in whatever field they enter. To create these deep thinkers, my school will utilize both teacher and student center ways of teaching. Teacher centered instruction would create a sense of respect between the teacher and students. The relationship between the teacher and students will benefit the students as they grow. Students centered instruction, like project base instruction, will create relevance of the subject material to the child that will ultimately aid in their desire to learn and grow as critical thinkers.

In the younger grades, K-6, my school would teach a strong holistic basic curriculum via teacher and student center ways. Students in K-6 will explore their world via technology and outside exploration via field trips. The classroom set up will be more conducive to learning. The classrooms will allow for movement and exploration. It will lack strict desk seating and instead have more comfortable places to learn, like at tables or comfy chairs/bean bags.

In the older grades, 7-12, my school would utilize the basic knowledge gained in the young grades and gear students toward what they're most interested and competent in. Teaching at these stages will become far more student centered than teacher centered. While the students are able to focus on their favorite skills, it will also work towards enhancing any growth areas they may need to work on to improve themselves. The classroom set up will be more conducive to learning through collaboration and exploration. There will be more tables instead of desks to allow students the freedom of space to work with each other on projects. Students will have higher level technology that they can use to improve the skills that they're most interested in. In the last couple of years in grades 10-12, students will serve more prentice-like positions that build off their previous skills and enhance new knowledge. The classroom will transform into more of a meeting place where they can meet together to accomplish their goals alongside other students goals. 

The goal of my school will be to give students the critical thinking skills necessary to be competent i their future job. It will also enable students with more focus as to what they want to do with their lives. By the time the students graduate, they will be well on their way to either the completion of another degree or in a job they want to pursue.

The goal of my school school for students who are physically or mentally unable to think abstractly or critically will be to give them opportunities to build their highest level of basic skills, enhance their strengths, and help them transition into the workforce. This will give them their own independence in their life that will be both satisfying to themselves and to their community.

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