Sunday, March 29, 2015

Blogger Challenge!

11 Random facts about me

1) I have one older brother
2) I am the shortest person in my family; everyone else is 5'8 or taller. I'm 5'3.
3) I have worked at Dairy Queen since I turned 16. So almost 9 years!
4) When I was little I fed my two goldfish blue jello-blocks. I thought they looked hungry. Needless to say they got flushed.
5) I was a gymnast for 11 years. I was number one in the state for 3 years, then had to stop because I injured my knee, back, and hip.
6) Played 4 years of collegiate volleyball.
7) Have been coaching club volleyball since I was a junior in high school.
8) I went to Ireland on St. Patrick's Day in 2013 and was able to walk in the parade in Dublin.
9) I have had pneumonia twice. The first time I got to see an x-ray of my lungs and the doctor pointed out an air bubble or a burp in my picture.
10) I can't go anywhere without an old lady talking about my hair or even trying to touch it.
11) I go to Half Price Bookstore about once a week, buy a book, and never read it. I also buy the old VHS movies, especially Disney movies. My goal this summer is to read all the books I've purchased.

Lisa's Questions
1) Favorite book to recommend:  Doctor Zhivago by Boris Pasternak. It is my all-time favorite book and I read it once a year.
2) Best educational experience:  Coe College- I love the staff, students, and environment. It is a great fit for me.
3) Worst educational experience:  Another college (unnamed)- I loved one department but not the other. I did meet my friends there and played volleyball there. But it wasn't the right fit for me.
4) My other dream job:  If I wasn't going for teaching, I would be going for physical therapy, because I can relate to a lot of the injuries that I would be presented with.
5) Free time:  Play sand volleyball. Could do it everyday.
6) Favorite teacher:  My favorite teacher is Kathryn Woerner. She was my 7th grade history teacher. I was able to be with her in the fall during methods.
7) Favorite quote:  "Continuous effort- not strength or intelligence- is the key to unlocking our potential"~ Winston Churchill.
8) Something I want to learn:  I would like to learn more about tools. My boyfriend teaches PLTW and he talks about all the tools he and the students use and I don't talk "tools" so I'm clueless to half of everything he says.
9) Educational change:  How students are labeled. There is no such thing as a "good" or "bad" student. They have either figured out who they are educationally or they haven't. It's our job to help them find it.
10) Stress reliever:  Listening to music or venting to someone I trust. And if those don't help, play volleyball.
11) My weekend:  I helped my boyfriend make rocket fuel and engines for his Aerospace class. It was a blast :)

My Questions
1) What is something unexpected that has happened while in the classroom?
2) If you could plan a perfect day in the classroom, how would it go?
3) What got you interested in teaching?
4) What are some struggles you had while teaching or pursuing teaching?
5) What is one skill that makes your job easier?
6) What is one object/app that makes your job easier?
7) What would you change about the education system today?
8) If you could teach a lesson about anything, what would it be?
9) What advice do you have for future teachers?
10) What's the perfect set up for a classroom?
11) What's one way you incorporate technology into your classroom?

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