Wednesday, March 25, 2015

A Piano...Made out of Bananas?!

Hello! This past week I was placed into a group with the other music education majors and were given tools to create a lesson plan. These tools included a Makey Makey Kit and a bunch of bananas. What could we possibly do with these?

After going on the official Makey Makey website, we learned that we could connect the bananas to the kit and then connect the kit's control panel onto the computer. We found programs that allowed us to literally play sounds just by tapping on the bananas. We messed a lot with the piano and bongo sounds and had a blast playing with them.

Using these would be great for a lesson with upper elementary and middle school kids. While each kit is expensive, having multiple ones can help create a fun experience for kids when they want to learn basic notes and rhythms without using actual instruments. We also discovered that connecting the kit's wires to thick pencil lines also creates an electrical current. Bananas don't even have to be necessary! There are so many lesson possibilities that music teachers can use with this kit, and I will definitely try to get one for my future classroom as well.

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