Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Blog Challenge

I was nominated by Lisa over at EDU 219

11 Random Facts About Me:

1. I am the youngest of 4 girls.
2. I was scared to spend the night at friends houses until I was in junior high.
3. I grew up Catholic but now I am Baptist. My faith is very important to me.
4.  I played softball at Coe for 4 years, I was a pitcher.
5. I got a cornstalk sliver stuck in my knee when I was 3 years old.
6. I went to a school that had about 250 kids in grades 9-12.
7. Online shopping is an addiction of mine.
8. I have a nephew, Brady who just turned 1 and has quite the personality already!
9. I love spending time with my family, including extended family.
10. I am a very competitive person from sports to board games, I am always out for blood :)
11. I grew up on a farm.


1. What's one book you've read that you think everyone should read? The Best Yes by Lisa Terkeurst. It's easy to get caught up in our world and to want to say yes to everyone and everything...this is a great book that puts things into perspective.

2. What has been your best educational experience? The past 2 semesters at Coe College in the education department!

3. What was your worst educational experience? Any science class in high school. I hated science and didn't have the greatest teacher for those courses, which made it even tougher to be successful in that subject area.

4. If you were not pursuing a degree in education, what career field would you be heading toward? If I wasn't heading into education, I would be a stay at home mom. I'm not sure if that is considered a career, but that is my ultimate dream job.

5. What is your favorite thing to do with a free hour? Read!

6. Who was your favorite teacher? Mr. Hebrink

7. What's your favorite quote? "For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind." 2 Timothy 1:7

8. What's something you've heard about (or read about) that you'd like to know more about? I would like to know more about projects-based schools.

9. What's one thing you'd like to change about our current educational system? I would like to see a better way to gather information about kids and their learning rather than just using standardized tests.

10. What is your stress reliever? Exercise.

11. Did you participate in any Coe Homecoming activities? If so, what was your favorite part? I did participate in powderpuff football and the 5k back when I went here the first go-round. My favorite part about homecoming was probably doing the 5k and then going to tailgate with friends for the game. I made some great memories with some awesome friends during all four years of homecoming here at Coe College.

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