Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Blog Challenge!

I was nominated by Lisa Strochine on her Tech Lab Blog! Here are 11 random facts about me, 11 answers to Lisa's questions, and then 11 questions that I would ask any educator.

11 Random Facts About Me

1) I have lived in three different states before coming to Coe: Washington, Idaho, and Wisconsin!

2) I have an orange cat named Oskar. He has a K in his name because my dad wants him to be German.
3) I have a very good long-term memory, but a horrible short-term one. For example, I can remember a phone conversation I had on December 5th, 2009, but I can't remember what I did earlier this morning.
4) I have multiple types of synesthesia. I see letters, numbers, words, days of the week, etc. as having a certain color. The strongest type I have though is chromesthesia, which means that I see/perceive colors whenever I hear sounds. My voice is a dark green.
5) I graduated from a tiny, private high school with about 34 or so other people in my class. 
6) I love exploring. Camping, hiking, biking, and just going on walks are some of my favorite outdoor activities.
7) I really like office supplies and I don't know why.
8) Cheesy broccoli soup is food sent straight from heaven. 
9) I am currently the treasurer of Coe's Mu Phi Epsilon-Mu Psi chapter!
10) I have been playing the piano for at least 13 years. It's like I practically live in Marquis Hall.
11) If I were to live anywhere else in the country, I would either move back to Washington or move to Maine.

Lisa's Questions

1) Q: What's one book you've read that you think everyone should read? (it can be from any age level) 

A: I would say that everyone should read To Kill a Mockingbird. Even though I had to read it multiple times for different middle and high school classes, it really tells a powerful story. 

2) Q: What has been your best educational experience? 

A: My best educational experience was when my high school Spanish teacher took a group of us to Costa Rica my junior year. We were able to experience so much in 11 days, and we ended up making a difference in that community by helping the people down there.

3) Q: What was your worst educational experience? 

A: Anything that involved gym class.

4) Q: If you were not pursuing a degree in education, what career field would you be heading toward? 

A: Piano/Keyboard performance for sure. Or I would choose something on the biology side of life.

5) Q: Favorite thing to do in a free hour?

 A: Play piano, play video games, watch Netflix, or take a nap.

6) Q: Favorite teacher?

 A: My piano teacher from middle school through the end of high school

7) Q: Favorite quote? 

A: "Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgement that something else is more important than fear. The brave may not live forever, but the cautious do not live at all." -The Princess Diaries

8) Q: What's something you've heard about that you want to know more about? 

A: I want to know more about the world and how I can fully experience it.

9) Q: What's one thing you'd like to change about our current educational system? 

A: More appreciation for teachers. They do so much in the world and get little recognition for it.

10) Q: What is your stress reliever? 

A: Deep breaths and a warm cup of tea.

11) Q: Did you participate in any Coe Homecoming activities? If so, what was your favorite part?

A: I participated in the parade by marching with Mu Phi Epsilon, which was probably my favorite part. After that I was on RA duty for the entire night of the dance. I was able to see how nice everyone looked as they were leaving. 

11 Questions for Educators

1) What is your favorite part about being an educator?
2) Why did you want to become an educator?
3) What do you do when you have a student that likes to constantly push your buttons?
4) How do you manage your time off the clock?
5) How do you prepare for classes over the summer?
6) What is your favorite school subject?
7) What age/grade of students do you enjoy teaching the most?
8) What would you like to change in our educational system?
9) When do you consider a student to be "gifted"?
10) What is your favorite educational moment you had growing up?
11) What is the most important thing you would tell to future educators?

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