I was nominated to complete the Blog Challenge by Lisa!
11 Random Facts About Me:
1.) I am originally from a small town called Petersburg, where the population is less than 1,000.
2.) My favorite color is purple.
3.) My favorite food is pizza.
4.) I listen to music all the time, especially when I am getting ready for the day.
5.) I love to sing, but I am terrible at it.
6.) I have a brother that is 5 years younger than me, and he is my best friend.
7.) A few months ago, I got a puppy named Jax! He is so small and furry.
8.) The first book I ever learned to read was Green Eggs and Ham.
9.) My favorite year in school was in third grade.
10.) My favorite teachers over my schooling career are Sara Roling (6th grade teacher) and Brian Kuhle (high school Composition teacher).
11.) One day I hope to teach first grade!
My Reponses to Lisa's Questions:
1.) When I was young, my mom always read me the book Love You Forever by Robert Munsch. It is a classic book that I recommend everyone read-- especially to your children if you have any.
2.) I am currently working at Van Buren Elementary and spend a lot of time with a little boy that struggles to speak English as well as Spanish. Working with him one-on-one has been an amazing experience and I consider it to be one of the best of my educational career thus far.
3.) I would say one of the most frustrating things educationally this far was trying to transfer all of my University of Dubuque class credits to Coe. Though it was an exhausting process, it was well worth it.
4.) If I was not working towards an Education degree, I would be pursuing a Psychology degree in hopes of being a youth counselor some day.
5.) Netflix is my guilty pleasure. So odds are if I had no homework or work obligations, I would indulge in binge watching one of my favorite Netflix series... probably One Tree Hill.
6.) As mentioned in my #10, my favorite teachers over my schooling career are Sara Roling (6th grade
teacher) and Brian Kuhle (high school Composition teacher).
7.) I have two quotes that I absolutely love. One of which is, "Everything happens for a reason." The other is from Proverbs 31:25-- "She is clothed in strength and dignity, and she laughs without fear of the future."
8.) I am very fascinated by the functions of the human body. My roommate is a nursing major and always enlightens me with random facts about the body. If I had more time in my schedule, I would love to explore this content area.
9.) I wish schools would work more closely with ELL families in helping them understand the American school system and helping them establish ways to help their child(ren) succeed in our system. There are so many grey areas with ELL students. I wish more was done to help them truly succeed rather than just help them "skate by".
10.) Working out is my biggest stress reliever. Often times when I'm very overwhelmed and stressed, I get tense and bottle up all negative thoughts and emotions. Reading a good book on the treadmill and lifting weights has been a really beneficial stress reliever for me.
11.) Though I did not personally participate in any Coe Homecoming activities, I was a spectator for all of them! Being that it is my first year as a Kohawk, I knew I had to show my Kohawk Pride!
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