Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Morgan's 26 Question Reflection

I would definitely use the 26 Questions exercise for my future students as a way to get to know them, as well as encourage them to think about the personal qualities and attributes that they possess.  When grouping students together and having them share their answers with the members of their group, it introduces the mindset each student possesses and the importance they place on aspects of their lives.  For example, if a question asks about an aspect of your life that makes you proud and a person responds with "going to college", you can infer that the individual considers education to be important.

Though the questions were rather straight-forward, some of them were difficult to answer.  Some of the questions were ones that I had never been asked before, which means I had never thought about what my answers would be.  I was required to think "outside the box".  Through sharing with my peers, I found myself re-thinking my responses and validating my answers.  I found this to be helpful in the sense that you get a better grasp as to what you deem important.

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