Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Anna K's ThingLink!

My Favorite Five Things to Share:

1. Red Heart: On August 31st, 2014, I was lucky enough to marry the fine fellow near the red heart. He's my best friend and my favorite. We laugh together, learn together, play games together, and even cook together. I'm so thankful to have his support as I work towards completing my degree in Elementary Education. 

2. Blue Heart: My family is very important to me, and friends are included in that statement because they might as well be family. I'm a twin and have a little sister also. My little sister is starting her driving adventure shortly and I can't believe it. My twin is a Subway Sandwich Artist (now I"m hungry for one of her sandwiches). My parents are great and I'm lucky to have them.

3. Back and White Circle: I graduated from John A. Logan College in May of 2014 with three associates degrees. I figured one would be too boring I guess. I fully support community colleges because I had the best time at mine. My dad got to be the "preacher man" for the graduation service. I will also graduate from Coe College in December of 2016. I will have earned my Elementary Education degree with an emphasis in reading and mathematics.

4. Green Play Button: One of my past favorite adventures was when I was Chapter President of the Upsilon Pi Chapter of Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society. I treasure all the memories and friendships I made through that adventure. One of my favorite experiences as Chapter President is of the 2014 Nerd Nation International Conference in Orlando, FL. My chapter won an International award! Needless to say, that was one of the most amazing memories that I hold dear. My chapter and I got to go on the International Stage to receive our award. It was amazing.

5. Yellow Star: If I ever have spare time, it is spent reading. It usually takes me a year or two to finish a book that is non-school related. I'm currently reading Mansfield Park by Jane Austin. I received that book from my old Advisor around the time I graduated from John A. Logan College. I'm just now halfway through. Reading is one of my favorite past times next to hanging out with my husband.

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