Thursday, January 22, 2015

All About Ashlee

Why these 5 things?

Red Heart: I was just recently married to Clayton this past September. We haven been together for 6 years and I'm excited to see what the future holds for us. Having someone to support my endeavors is really important to me and he has been behind me in everything I have considered pursuing (and that has been a lot).

Blue Heart: Being a mom has always been a dream of mine. I have loved being a part of such a big family and want to have a big family of my own some day. Teaching has always been in the back of my mind and it took me a little longer to realize that a teacher is what I am meant to do. After working as a Para Educator in a modified classroom, I realized my love of being around kids and helping them in any way I can.

Yellow Star: This is our dog Penny. We are totally dog people. I am often at home by myself, particularly during wrestling season, so it's nice to have a friend around. I wasn't sold on getting a dog because they are a lot of work, but she has been the best "first" dog for us. She has such a personality and Clayton absolutely loves having a dog.

Black Star: I played softball at Coe for 4 years and now I am an Assistant Coach for the Kohawks. Softball has always been a big part of my life and has taught me a lot about myself. I grew up playing sports and I love all sports and anything that is competitive. My husband and I both hate to lose so card games and Banana-grams can get intense and usually ends with one of us taunting the other! :)

Green StarThis is a picture of my family. I have 3 sisters, 2 brother-in-laws and a nephew, Brady. My family is very important to me. Whenever I get a chance to go back home, or to go visit my sisters, I do! My nephew is one of the cutest kids I have ever seen (I'm slightly biased) and every time I see him he has learned something new. His latest feat is walking! I love spending time with these people and they have helped shape me into the person I am.

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