Thursday, January 22, 2015

5 things about Casey

Black Dot) I love being in the classroom, whether it be as a teacher or student. I believe that there is no limit to what a person can learn. And I am proud to have the ability to share my knowledge with students in the classroom.

Blue Dot)  I have a passion for what I do; teaching, coaching volleyball and life. I have never imagined my life without teaching or volleyball. Both have helped shaped me as a person and have helped me gain confidence in everything I do.

Green Dot) I am a communicator. I am able to start a conversation with pretty much anyone. When I talk, I usually tell it as I see it, unless it's a very touchy subject. I am always willing to talk to others who have questions or just need someone to talk things through.

Red Heart) I am a History Channel junkie. Anything that is on the History Channel I will watch. Reading the headlines of the History Channel website is part of my daily routine. I even included the link to the website :)

Yellow Dot) My family is the most important thing in my life. Even this guy. So far I've had two years with my boyfriend and cannot wait for years to come. My parents, brother, and my boyfriend have helped me with my goals in life and have supported me 100% as I move closer to getting my teaching license.

Also included my Twitter. Just click the Twitter bird and follow me : )

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