Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Morgan's #EdChat Experience

Participating in my first #edchat provided me with very valuable information in a short period of time.  The #edchat I joined was was centered on Thinking Maps (#TMchat).  This is a reoccurring #edchat, and this week the main subject of discussion was Shared Leadership.  A valuable circle chart was shared about the concept of rigor--demanding, difficult, or extreme conditions.  The chart showed the importance of complex thinking and deep thinking.  Getting students to elaborate on their thinking isn't solely about the difficulty of the task.  It is important to encourage students to question assumptions.  Because I was learning a lot from this chat, I did not contribute much.  However, there were some thoughts that individuals contributed that I found to be helpful.  On those particular tweets, I gave feedback applauding their thought or idea.  Most of the individuals in this chat seemed to be principals or school officials; this would, however, be a valuable website for teachers to gain and offer insight.  Though I could take a lot from tonight's #TMchat and chats from the past, I think for future reference I would search for a chat with more participants.  The more people that are actively participating in the chat, the most insight I can gain.

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