Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Casey's Digital Citizenship Statement

From looking at all the sources on digital citizenship, I have come up with my own statement on digital citizenship; if you wouldn't do it in person, don't do it online. When you say or do something in person you are able to apologize and people forget. But when you do something online, it can never be erased and can comeback at any moment. So thinking before you post something is highly recommended, just like how you think before you speak or do.

Another thing that I have come up with is that you may try to avoid technology, but the sooner you embrace it, the easier it will be when becoming a true digital citizen. Being a digital citizen has become part of social learning because you are still using words and actions, but through a device. Everyone has a little computer with them at all times and just have not realized it yet. Technology is the future and there is no avoiding it.

Another thing to be aware of while using the internet is plagiarism and copyright. If you did not say it, put it in quotes. If you did not discover or research it, give it credit. There are no "if, ands, or buts" about it, just do it. Most people have worked hard to get their work published, so don't take that away from them by stealing their words and thoughts.

I found a lot of my information from Pinterest. The information provided from the Digital Citizenship board really spoke to me. All of the pins I could see being posted in a computer lab or classroom in every school. I even have one of the pins as a poster for when I have my own classroom! Kids are being drilled with all these rules on how to use technology, but it's always nice to give them a friendly reminder every now and then.

1 comment:

  1. After having a class discussion, I re-read my statement on digital citizenship and would not change anything. I would add that teaching students about internet safety is one of the most important things as a teacher and parent. There are a lot of good things with technology, but then there are also a lot of bad things with technology that we need to make students away of.
